CEU eTD Collection (2021); Krasnovský, Sebastian: Johannes Filiczki as a Renaissance Man: Identities and Self-fashioning

CEU Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2021
Author Krasnovský, Sebastian
Title Johannes Filiczki as a Renaissance Man: Identities and Self-fashioning
Summary Johannes Filiczki (ca.1580–18.8.1622) was a humanist noble, teacher, and poet born in the Kingdom of Hungary. The purpose of this thesis is to examine primary and secondary sources concerning Filiczki’s life and works to offer a fuller picture of his career and to explore the ways in which he was represented by later scholarship, his contemporaries and peers, and finally, by himself. This will be achieved by an in-depth analysis of sources such as poems, correspondence, disputations, and most importantly, Filiczki’s album amicorum. Since Filiczki’s career was primarily connected with his travels abroad, the thesis examines which theoretical concept of the learned travel (peregrinatio academica, Kavalierstour, Grand Tour) fits his case the best, and explores Filiczki’s attitude towards the phenomenon. Album amicorum, a unique testimony of his travels, serves not only as a base for a better understanding of the social aspect of the peregrinatio, but provides also a new insight into Filiczki’s poetics through a novel visual analysis. Finally, the thesis exploits an overlooked source, paratext of Filiczki’s opus magnum, i.e. Carmina, and explores how he fashioned his image of a poet in the society.
Supervisor Sebők, Marcell
Department Medieval Studies MA
Full texthttps://www.etd.ceu.edu/2021/krasnovsky_sebastian.pdf

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